Time To Party created by phyre123 14 years ago
Plays: 44
Favorites: 9
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Running/Wild
Theme: Other
This is the fourth track to my welcome to musicshake album.
- Phyre123
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Hola my friend!! I entered my song "Night Crawler" in the "Into the Shabows" contest. Please drop by and check it out, rate and comment if you like! Your support is greatly appreciated!! Gracias! ~Felipe Santamaria~
Thank you for listening to my music and favorite.Thank you Favorite. I am very happy. :D
You don't have to worry about it, that song isn't in any competition or anything. I appreciate the good words though, thanks again.
Hello! lol It look like you are new shaker i am a pro who is beastly! hahahahahaha i am funny lol rofl lmao Anyway listen to my NEW song called best song ever u (lol) mite reconise it
from 123C07N says recon lol
Thanks for the comment! I upload, like, 11-15 songs every month at one time because I put them in playlists I treat like albums. And its okay that you rated & favorited it... that's always appreciated by Shakers. :D And about deleting rates & favorites, I