Jehovah: In The Interim. created by Jenvo 10 years ago

Before things get better, they have to be a little crazy.
Part of a series being done by a group of local Musicshakers from 2 households.
~ Jenvo.
Quilla's squib:
A series that a group of us decided to do over time on Musicshake... Treating the subject of the End Times, Tribulation, Armageddon, and the promised New System on Earth (and corresponding Kingdom in Heaven ruled by Jesus and the 144,000 Anointed), all directed by Jehovah (in the belief system examined therein) for the Human Race; done in music, to the best of our collective widely varied abilities, and not in precise order as various ones among us treat various topics from that list at different times. This paragraph will be copied and repeated in each song posted by each of us treating of this common theme. Peace out! ~ Quilla and the New Age Musicshakefolk.
Beautiful. I felt a character behind this before I even read the description. I sounds a like a very calm, collected, maybe a dreamer kind of person. With that bit of optimism to get through each day. Beautiful sound.
I like this one a lot.Nice work.
Thanks!!! :)
I almost could see 'him' go! wonderful job! OEROE
Nice beautiful song.
Very Nice Job!!!!!!!!!!