RENEE~Part 1: Her Tragic Madness! created by Jenvo 10 years ago
This is a true story about a heroic young girl. Let's call her Renee.
I admit that when I took upon myself this massive song project (for me), I had to meet with Devnet83 (is it okay to say her name? She said it is, but I don't know if the rules here do!), getting together over fruit smoothies at a local Internet Cafe.
I've been consulting with her on how to construct this style of song: rambling yet decisively patterned, depicting something in real life, and JOURNEYING OVER THE SUBJECT MATTER LIKE AN ARTIST'S PAINTBRUSH DOES OVER THE CANVAS. I sincerely hope that this song, so unlike my usual art, has accomplished that here... I WANTED TO DEPICT A REAL PERSON.
SO: Who is young RENEE? She is a beautiful woman in her twenties, brilliant and tormented, permanently neurologically damaged by her abusive boyfriend, who years ago held her down as she fought for her life and administered her a dose of "Spike" so high that it sent her into a coma for weeks and barely did not kill her! I hope I'm not violating Musicshake rules by conveying this, but her life story is a tragedy, and what was done to her is pure atrocity.
She lay near Death's door in the hospital for so long - but she refused to die. Emerging from there, she could not live at home, as remnants of her old life sent her into despondent rages, and other than her occasional outbursts, she could not utter a sound at the start...
She has to hide behind her Bible, which for the past few YEARS, she must carry with her everywhere, in front of her lovely face, hiding her wide, sensitive eyes. It is her bulwark, her shield against ever being hurt that way again. Plus, she blames herself for what was done to her, so she repeats her endless prayers in a haunting whisper, and weeps in worship as a means of penitence, rather than the healing she deserves! Sad child!
Talented and athletic, this poor young lady now lives full-time in an extended-care psychiatric hospital, facilities that are very rare these days in the US, and it is all the staff can do to manage the tortured emotions she shows. Her loving family visit her often, but they struggle to get through to her. She recently became able to embrace them, briefly, her Mom & Dad, before fear sent her scuttling away and hiding behind her Bible once more. They weren't the ones who hurt her, but now, getting close with ANYONE is almost more than this severely damaged young woman can possibly endure. And yet she is desperately lonely!
She prays incessantly, carrying her Bible everywhere with her. She will lay it down to paint heartbreakingly lovely pictures of trees and landscapes. But this Autumn last (2015) witnessed a miracle of sorts: she began to speak, hesitantly at first, but now more readily. And though not all she utters makes sense, it is certainly a breakthrough!
She had refused for so long to utter a sound, for perhaps years, but in recent months they have gotten her to break her silence, and, still hiding behind her ever-present Holy Bible, tormented young Renee has begun to tell, haltingly but surely, her heart-wrenching story.
All prayers for her. She is a waif, a lost lady, yet at the same time SHE IS A HEROINE. She is incredibly strong and we believe she will get better still! If someone in officialdom will really listen to what she has to say...
Renee, little girl, this is for you. I know you will likely never hear it, and as it depicts the early stages of your illness, it might not flatter you. But as you recover, I will do a sequel later on.
This essay was written with the help of several of my friends at 4Lane who met Renee and are much better writers than me. Thanks, ladies! And the one gentleman.
By Jenvo Jash Tyak, with admiration and tears, and moral outrage for the wrong done to Renee!
Peace & the blessings of Jesus upon you, courageous child.
January 6, 2016.
NOTICE: I'm allowing Remix so that some of my respected Musicshake friends might improve this. I ask that others do not decide to fool around with it and make it into something that is not about Renee. Thank You.
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