Valley of the 4 Winds created by oeroe2911 12 years ago

this is the 6th song of the "Dream Factory" , and I Like to dedicate this beautiful song, to shaker "ANCIENT" , who is a very good friend of mine, and he is a "one of a kind" if we speak about musical skills, and about his intentions to "make a difference" in the positive change of our world, which is ready to start a new beginning, together with a "reborn humanity" on a higher level of consciousness , and where all people can live "as one" based on a loving and caring society , without war and negativity! He was thinking about leaving musicshake, because he felt a little sad about the "level" of support, and some bad things that happened some months ago , between a couple of fellow shakers. But I was very glad, to notice his "return" , a few weeks ago, and I like to show him my appreciation towards him, by creating an "Ancient style" song for him! If you have some time, please visit his page, and listen to some of his music! I hope you will enjoy this song, about "the VALLEY OF THE 4 WINDS" !! OEROE
~~~~~^^^ Ancient ^^^^~~~~~~~~~^^^^^ OEROE^^^^~~~~~/ / /
I felt very at peace with this one. Excellent work yet again
cheers :)