
Ballad, Hiphop, Jazz, Latin, R&B, Rock/Metal, Soul/Funk/Groove
As of May 05, 2011, myself.
The name twoton is short for my most peculiar aliases "Two Ton Killer Taco Tree (TTKTT)."
After two consecutive weeks of solid work, I finished "Trunade." The track listing is as follows:
1.Tickles 2:50 (
2.String Hermit 2:08 (
3.Skipping Habit 2:08 (
4.Lucid Recollection 2:08 (
5.Giant 2:08 (
6.Whistle Tune 2:30 (
7.Trunade 2:50 (
**I'm using short URL's. They only lead to each song and are safe.
My first 10 songs, "TwoTon #'s 1-10," were more or less an experimental phase through which I learned the ins-and-outs of Musicshake. There are several genres to choose from.
As for myself, I'm extremely uninteresting. Which is exactly the same diversion I use to avoid the subject. If you'd like me to become a fan of yours, please recommend me a "good" song first before you ask me to listen to your very newest one.
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