
Favorite genre

Classical/New Age, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Hiphop, Other, Pop, R&B, Rock/Metal

Favorite artists

Adam Young, Elly Jackson, Hayley Williams, Tegan and Sara Quin, etc

About me

I LLOOVVEE music, and i love making it:3
I have a deep obsession with space, so you're going to see a lot of songs that have to do with space:)
My all time favorite genre of music is electronic, thanks to Adam Young (Owl City)

I want to work at Insomniac Studios one day, and this is why:

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Gr8peAp3 - 13 years ago

HI! Check out my 2 newest I created, please!! :)

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

ToDAY I Have 3 NeW Songs for you All ! with the message for those silly loosers, that think it is "GREAT" to give GOOD SonGS, a ONE StaR Rating, just to "Kill the CompetitioN"! Like they did yesterday on my 5 star song!@ there is no competition! there are ONLY Loosers!
"the heat is on"
"don't get nervous"
"the Winner takes it ALL"
you don't get it, IF you DON'T GET IT! <#@@#>

SlyKid101 - 13 years ago

October 25. My birthday
A tribute song to myself:

Gilnightray - 14 years ago Hey i made a tribute to Rin and Len Kagamines! <3 Check it out plz!

duckygirlxyz - 14 years ago
this is a new song.
check it out! ;)

dosibaby - 14 years ago

Nice to meet you,
My name is Miss Rose, i will like to have a good relationship with you please write me with my ID (
so that i will send you my photo and tell you about me.

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