
R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Jazz, Latin, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
So very many! If you have wandered to this page, then you are among my favorites just by taking time to check out my "stuff"!!!
I love to be here on musicshake! It provides an easy format for arranging songs; but because of that, it can be challenging in mixing songs that don't sound like everyone else's.
There is a lot of music writing talent here on MS, & I hope to be able to contribute a little something to this "mix" (pardon the bad pun!). I have the hope that I can make friends who support everyone else's work as well as mine!!
Your comments and ratings for my arrangements/mixes are very much welcome. BUT...PLEASE, don't use my songs to do these pointless challenges. I am not here to compete with anyone but myself!! I continually try to improve with each song, and if you all enjoy what you hear, then I have met my goal. Thank you for understanding!!!