
Favorite genre


Favorite artists

Skrillex My Chemical Romance Eminem Green Day (To some extent)

About me

I am Habbax Horong. (Not really, My real name's Harry)...
Anyway, i have a very diverse taste in music. For example i like Heavy Metal, Pop, Dubstep, Rap...All sorts really. The music i will put up will be mainly electronic and Songs including Bass Guitars...Like my very first song "Bass-Gasm" Check that one out btw.

I am a male... obviously. And if you are reading this i would appreciate it if you became a fan and favorite my songs. My music has consistent vibes so if you like one of my songs you'll probably like all of 'em.

So there's my bio (sort of). Oh and btw if you request shout outs i will mention you on my Twitter account when i update it. And remember...If you like techno and rock...or both...you'll like my music.

habbaxhorong's favorites (1) see all
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