Enter OEROE'S Lab, and travel through Space in a Real TechnoShip.... Powered by all of you Musicshakers..!ready for Lift off.. http://eng.musicshake.com/song?sn=166435
A NEW extra SPOOKY & HAUNTING Techno song, dedicated to my FAN's, and supporters!! You Guys are the driving force in making me go deeper&deeper in to this Musical Adventure, that only started a couple of months before...THANX!! the HAUNTING.... http://eng.musicshake.com/song?sn=166223
The Loudest and Hardest Rock on Musicshake....Proud to be Loud !
ANNIHILATOR..you may challange me...LOL
OerOe's Ritual Dance...Thanx & Enjoy....TECHNO RITUAL...
Enter OEROE'S Lab, and travel through Space in a Real TechnoShip....
Powered by all of you Musicshakers..!ready for Lift off..
A NEW extra SPOOKY & HAUNTING Techno song, dedicated to my FAN's, and supporters!!
You Guys are the driving force in making me go deeper&deeper in to this
Musical Adventure, that only started a couple of months before...THANX!!
the HAUNTING....
A Hand full of Frequencies !
Enter your IP Adress here to win $1,000 in shake cash!
dude once he/she gives me the ip adress, i will hack his/her computer!!!!!!muhahahahahahahahaahahahahaahhaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who are you and why are you bothering me
Don't Commet stuff like that on my profile again. I have already dealt with this before so I would appreciate it if you would leave me alone.