
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Jazz, Latin, Soul/Funk/Groove

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to many to list

About me

new in the spotlight. love music, music is my soul. been in band through out middle and highschool. whenever i get inspired i'll make music on musicshake or other music programs.

Songs by euphoria01 (2) see all
euphoria01's favorites (1) see all
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oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

Lock aLL YouR D00RS......He IS 0N tHE L00SE...SiNGiNG S0NGS...!! LOL!
JuST GO...and D0N'T L00K BaCK!! OEROE!
This is a beautiful electro ^ techno BaLLad !! sit back in a Lazy Chair...and Flote away with this dreamlike misty experience...! "MiSTY MoRNING" ! <#@@#> OEROE!

R3ISBACK - 13 years ago

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

this Song ..has a PhoneCall...for You..!!
Have FuN ! OEROE! if it's for me......tell them I'm not at Home! LOL! <$#@@#$>

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

Did you get "the Message? "Get the Message" LOL! OEROE <#@@#>

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

Take IT EaSY !
<#@@#> OEROE!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

Escape from NeveR NeveRLanD !! SONG 200 OEROE! <#@@#>

stEAmpowered - 13 years ago

So, after a long while, I got back onto the program to see what I could conjure up. It feels like it's been a lifetime since I was last on here, and unfortunately, it's going to be that way for a little while longer... But, to show that I'm still staying true to this site, I've made another song. I've been walking along with time at my side, and now, I'll have a chance to show that I'm still only me.

Thanks, and enjoy =)

stEAmpowered - 13 years ago


stEAmpowered - 13 years ago

I'm starting a competition!!!!! Any and all are invited, and this time I've got something pretty cool (at least it is to me I guess): a chance to legitimately remix Ford the Phoenix with the reward being three new songs dedicated specifically to you!!!!! Here's the link, and have fun!!!! (rules listed in description)

stEAmpowered - 14 years ago

Just made the third song in my Confusion series, feel free to check it out whenever you want =)

Fans of euphoria01