
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Ballad, Jazz, Latin, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
If you are reading this letter,I must let you know:
How can I say this properly, you are doomed!....
Yes, sorry to disappoint you but I am the great Eswom, the dark music angel . I was send to this world many decades ago to guard the balance of the sound system, to lock the dark secrets of the music and to shine the bright light of the voice. but in the last few thousand years, the so called, pop stars, have ruined the balance.This, creatures are destroying this world slowly and painfully but just secretly enough so that you humans would not realize that.
As for the world's doomed destiny, there is a one solution to save this world; We must create the music of all times to change back the balance and return this world in to he's peaceful nature.
I hope you understand this serious problem and I assure you, the price will be as enormous as the purpose. But do not worry, I am sure our goal will be worth to go through all of what await us.
So cheer up, because we will get this done and we will have the great honor of victory!
Now,if we want to win this fight, we got to get together and click on 'Become a fan of Eswom' and we will unite!
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