
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad

Favorite artists

Way to many to list

About me

My name is Tyler, I am 22, and if you would like to get to know me better! Just send me a pm;P
Or you can check out my Youtube page Username= xXsuzuki88Xx If you liked any of my songs please rate and comment. THANKS

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TranceMick - 13 years ago

Here it is, the first track out of my new album, Butterfly Effect. Aiming for something different here. If you got time, come check it out.

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

" H0LY SLEEP MEL0DY" My dedicatioN S0NG F0R LadY FawKeS, and also for all the Shakers Who have dificulty with falling a sLeep......and just keep on shaking when they go to bed..! L0L!! ) 0ER0E!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

So You Wanted to Hear Techno..~°°°~ Alrighty Then...:::
a NerVous BreakDoWn..!!
Enjoy...Grtz. OEROE´s Techno LaB. LOL

silverhok77 - 15 years ago

Hey. Good to see you're back! :DD

Alexlaxton - 15 years ago

Hey there! If you have time please check out my song "SilverShab Challenge"! Your help is appreciated! =D

silverhok77 - 15 years ago

Thanks again. :)

silverhok77 - 16 years ago

Thanks. lol

silverhok77 - 16 years ago

You don't know who I am (I hope), but you're music is really good. By the way, I am not becoming your fan just because you live 10 minutes away from me........ But, if you can, I would appreciate it if you could check out some of my new music.

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