
Favorite genre
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad
Favorite artists
Way to many to list
About me
My name is Tyler, I am 22, and if you would like to get to know me better! Just send me a pm;P
Or you can check out my Youtube page Username= xXsuzuki88Xx If you liked any of my songs please rate and comment. THANKS
Songs by devil88 (13) see all
devil88's favorites (4) see all
Here it is, the first track out of my new album, Butterfly Effect. Aiming for something different here. If you got time, come check it out.
" H0LY SLEEP MEL0DY" My dedicatioN S0NG F0R LadY FawKeS, and also for all the Shakers Who have dificulty with falling a sLeep......and just keep on shaking when they go to bed..! L0L!! ) 0ER0E!
So You Wanted to Hear Techno..~°°°~ Alrighty Then...:::
a NerVous BreakDoWn..!!
Enjoy...Grtz. OEROE´s Techno LaB. LOL LISTEN
Hey. Good to see you're back! :DD
Hey there! If you have time please check out my song "SilverShab Challenge"! Your help is appreciated! =D
Thanks again. :)
Thanks. lol
You don't know who I am (I hope), but you're music is really good. By the way, I am not becoming your fan just because you live 10 minutes away from me........ But, if you can, I would appreciate it if you could check out some of my new music.