Hello Dearest Friends and people new to musicshake. I am now releasing the final 3 songs that i have to be released. After these 3, there will be no more from me.
Next Tuesday a new tune will be out. If anyone can guess the first or last letter of the song (I'll be releasing next Tuesday) then I will release that particular track. You can only vote one letter...
ROCK NIGHT SUMMER REMIX : http://eng.musicshake.com/song/273128
do not say no to my rythm
Hello Dearest Friends and people new to musicshake. I am now releasing the final 3 songs that i have to be released. After these 3, there will be no more from me.
"Infinite" 1 of 3
Next Tuesday a new tune will be out.
If anyone can guess the first or last letter of the song (I'll be releasing next Tuesday) then I will release that particular track.
You can only vote one letter...
http://eng.musicshake.com/my_songs/pending I have pending tracks so I cant wait to get them out
cheers, barneymuz3k...
Woo! Part 10 of The Dragon Land is up! Kinda quick from the last advert batch that I sent out, but oh well...
LOOK IT (pls)!:
Also, constructive criticism appreciated on this one, since electro isn't something I usually do...so if it sounds kinda sucky, feel free to tell me!