
About me

Hi My name is Britney

I am currently in a collegiate high school where I do high school and college in the same time. When I graduate high school not only will I have my diploma, I will have my associates degree!!!
I know my music isn't that good, but I believe that if I keep working hard it will get better.
Thanks for reading!!!

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nameddog - 10 years ago
Under a splintered mast

CCCat - 10 years ago
"Lucy Lectrik"
A light, fun techno song
"Where She May Be"
An ethereal, new age style song

Here are my first two songs for "music week"; the brainchild of rosypony1...she "nominated" me to participate so I am giving it a try. I usually like to take weeks to months to mix and post a song, so I hope you find these two enjoyable. 2 down, and 5 to go!! Thanks for listening!

Ecko - 11 years ago

Cool, Dark, and Mysterious the Stars align to the beauty of Music...
Check out the third track to my first album!
Enjoy - Rate- and Share!

kx30 - 11 years ago
Lets go for #1

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

ST0RMTR00PERS PsyTrance this is a crazy and hyperfast techno/trance Song! it's a remix of an older song I created some years ago, called "take your MediCine" !
Enjoy and have Fun! OEROE

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

MiXTREEM an extreemly bright and happy techno song! Cheers, OEROE

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

One Nation Under God. this Song is a remix of the original Rock Song 'quest of life' created by fellowshaker manolito17!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

HARD MORPH (the B4M SC00TCH MiX) this is a Special Morph MiX , which I created 4a dedication 2 my friend and fellowshaker Scootch2 !! it is a Rock Remix of the song S0NiC M0RPHING.
BiG SHOUT OUT 2 SC00TCHMaN, and I hope you will give it a place on your 8GB Flash-drive !!