
Favorite genre
Rock/Metal, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Classical/New Age
Favorite artists
bjork, dir en grey, deftones, emilie simon, yungchen lhamo, sigur ros/jonsi , adele, daft punk, utada hikaru, bat for lashes, birdy, cocorosie, deep forest, regina spektor, florence and the machine, gotye, kimbra, iamx, lana del rey, lorde, team sleep,ETC
About me
I enjoy drawing, all kinds of music, videogames, the internet, anything cute in the colors pink & red, and my sense of humor can be a little fucked up.
Songs by Whale (18) see all
This one can easily be the soundtrack for a video or accompany the credits of a scary movie.It deserves 5 thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are right, this is a very fun song, I find it totally amazing and entertaining.Absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!This is electronic music genius! And technically impeccable.
Very cool beats in silence. :3
I should post a warning label on it....."Click after 8PM only";)
The challenge song is "Cujo". Yeh, this one was kind of fun. Thanx!
yo which one is the challenge song? this one? I think this is an original piece. It suits you well, good job
Whoa. This is really cool. Awesome job with the Halloween mix bro. :DDD
amazing song and great job with the theme. I too had bad timing I listned to it really early in the morning too right after I woke up.....Man and i had the volume up too loud.....intense song! =D
sounds good, only one problem.......my timing in listining to it , 6:52 on a monday morning.. it fit`s more into the catigory of TGIF. THUMBS UP