
Favorite genre

Rock/Metal, Electronic/Techno, Classical/New Age

Favorite artists

Motoi Sakuraba, a bunch of people that I can't recall at the moment

About me

I have migrated to another channel! I will update this one the most. I may, however, make a song or two on here, which I will mention on the other channel. GO FAN PLEASE.

Anyways, hello! Welcome to my profile; I hope you enjoy your stay here!

I'm a fun, amiable (and very sporadic) guy that likes creating music. My favorite genres are classical, rock/metal (not full on bang-head-on-guitar-and-bleed-out kind of rock/metal) and techno. I play a few instruments myself, such as guitar, a bit of piano, trumpet, fingernails-on-chalkboard (aka a recorder) and MAYBE clarinet (does fingernails-on-chalkboard transition...?). Music's been a part of my life for about forever, and it has been my passion ever since I could comprehend it...

My music typically revolves around RPG's such as the Tales of series (I've played Symphonia, Vesperia, and Abyss; I want Graces but don't have a PS3), Eternal Sonata, Eden Eternal and Aura Kingdom. Typically my music tends to go with whatever I feel is right, and my songs because of this take a short amount of time, while producing a great effect. As such, I tend not to post songs on other's profiles; partly because I have too many songs I put out and mostly because I feel like becoming popular is much more rewarding and fulfilling, instead of shamelessly promoting yourself out in the community; though it is a good way to get your name out, I feel like it's cheating and not really the true way to become known; being known as honest is better than being popular, hence the rule at the top.

I also mix a bit of techno, which I enjoy quite a bit. It's a very rewarding genre in my opinion :D

guys why are the songs that I hardly put effort into listed in the charts

guys pls

Again, thanks for the visit!

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nonoman123 - 12 years ago

strangers and dangerous

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

A wonderful Story, about a distant galaxy, called 'Crystallantis' ! enjoY! OEROE!

DeNiroBR - 12 years ago

Listen my new song, peace... ;)