
Favorite genre
Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Jazz, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
Favorite artists
Gagle, Daft Punk, DJ Mitsu (my "idol" I suppose you can say).....more when I think of them.
About me
Learning 12 languages.....love listening to and creating music........languages are Japanese, German, Russian, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Sign Language, Tongan, Arabic, Elvish, Italian, French, Japanese Sign Language.
Teach myself a few martial arts as well: JKD, Aikido, Muay Thai, and Wing Chun.
Lordmaul106's favorites (5) see all
Hey, do you mind joining my challenge? Last day to sign up is April 21st! Limited spots are left!
Album: Day Zero
Track 7: Point of View
check it out :)
X MASCOLLABCOLLINSOEROE A Christmas CoLLaB between shakers ccollins and OEROE2911 ENJOY H0 H0 H0
here my third track of my album
Thank you so very much for the favorite on my song! I appreciate it bunches! By the by, nice gripping sounds in "Transmutation". @.@
your welcome and thank you!
waiting in the late afternoon
Sky Bird
Thanks for the "FAV" and for listening to my mix!
no problem :)