
Rock/Metal, Electronic/Techno, Jazz, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
DaftPunk, Metallica , Michael Jackson, Apocalyptica, Muse, Korn, David Guetta, Mansions on the Moon, Neon Indian, Hans Zimmer, Core, Unkle
It is True! I am retired on musicshake, and let me tell you something, just because I’m retired on here does mean that I want to listen to your songs. SO DON’T FUCKING ADVERTISE ON MY WALL! DO YOU SEE IT NOW? MAYBE IF I CURSE, YOU’LL FINALLY SEE THIS SHIT! Since I am not making music anymore, you should check out my friends page and listen to his music. We share a similar style of music and same amount of skill. Check him out,http://eng.musicshake.com/song?sn=143125#!/user/TheNoBodies
By the way,Sorena2009, Kana3, Scootch, Angelhouse, and Sliverhok77 are the only following people can advertise on my wall! But I digress...enjoy my 200 songs. Jaysterthe...out
whenever you want, buddy
Dance of the dead- http://eng.musicshake.com/song/300040 Finally posted and hopefully is a good rock genre cause it sounds so good than invincible and something in the dark. hope you listen and enjoy.
My latest song, "A Grieving Heart". Please listen and tell me what you think! :-)
HI My name is.Monica ,
nice to meet you please
contact me here i have something to Share
with you or you can give me your
mail to contact you please
Final rapsody mix from nameddog by Pisky
Check out my newest its called "Gaara's eyes". Thanks, ;3
As I said in your song, please continue to develop your talent both in music and in art, do not waste it, but you probally won't :P Stay cool...peace and love :)