
Favorite genre

Pop, Jazz, Latin

About me

Just a regular guy, playing on the computer. My main drive was to create some mellow music to go along with my videos of flying R/C sailplanes to post in YouTube.
Then, I just got hooked on the possibilities.

There are some great music in here created by regular people!
That is so awesome.

I grew up in a musical household, but even though I took music lessons, it never quite stuck. MS allows me to create music without the hard work. Love that!

All my music if free to mix, nothing would please me more than to listen to yours improvements.

My music is really finding a catchy tune and trying to recreate it in MS. That trick helped me create most of my collection.


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Mafty - 13 years ago

Whisper of Angels...

kana3 - 13 years ago


DancingBear - 14 years ago


kana3 - 13 years ago

Thank you. :D

DancingBear - 14 years ago

Because of my slow typing skill, bad spelling and lock of time, I will use the "A" RATING as my comment on all songs that I listen to.
AAAAA=SPEECHLESS ********************************** AAAAAA=JAW DROPPING (for exceptional rating only)

kana3 - 15 years ago

Thank you.I'm happy for your comments.(・∀・)

megaKittycat - 15 years ago

just beautiful!

kana3 - 15 years ago

Thank you.I was worried that the title match.I'm happy for your comments. :)

Santamaria - 15 years ago

Great song Kana3!! The title fits, well composed. Excelente!! ~Felipe~

kana3 - 15 years ago

Thank you. You feel the fantastic world , I am happy. :D

kana3 - 15 years ago

Thank you. If you are happy, I also :)

Celd - 15 years ago

Happy feeling! :)

kana3 - 15 years ago

Thank you. The music of various types,If it is possible to invent it, it is interesting.
It thought so, and it tried. :)

Fans of Gordo