
About me

i love music but i am very new be i
dont play guitar piano etc so a site like music shake is a dream for me ill try to do music and share with you hope you will enjoy sory for the English i am not use to.

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Jakio - 10 years ago

"Forget Me"
from my new EP Cause and Effect.
Enjoy this Classical Electric Piece

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

GREYS ATTACK 2 ( the Allies Return) this is the second, and the best part of the War with the Alien Greys !! our Allies Return, and 2 gether we BEAT those Nasty Greys! Enjoy the Battle between Good and Bad in outer Space !! OEROE!
Play eXtraterrestial LouD !!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

THE GREYS ATTACK this techno song is about the alien greys, attacking the Earth. Get on board the F.O.S. ( Flying Oeroebird Ship) , and battle against them !! No Fear!
Enjoy! OEROE.

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

OEROE'S Symphonic Rock Overture I decided it was time 4 me to give one Song all the Mixing Skills and Love possible, and my intention with this is to inspire everybody to keep on creating their music, and most important that you all keep on trying 2 improve yourself with everything you do in your Life !! I hope you will Enjoy this Epic Symphonic Rock Song@! it's the ultime remix of the song "Wind and Wuthering" !

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

the FiNAL ENDGAME this Symphonic Rock Song is part 2 of the Song "Wind and Wuthering" it's Mega Epic. so be careful with the Replay! Cheers, OEROE!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

Riders on the Storm this is a song, a little bit in the style of legendary band "the Doors", I tried to make a song like the fabulous Doors song "Riders on the Storm" I hope you will enjoy it! OEROE.

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

HARD MORPH (the B4M SC00TCH MiX) this is a Special Morph MiX , which I created 4a dedication 2 my friend and fellowshaker Scootch2 !! it is a Rock Remix of the song S0NiC M0RPHING.
BiG SHOUT OUT 2 SC00TCHMaN, and I hope you will give it a place on your 8GB Flash-drive !!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

S0NiC M0RPHiNG this techno song is about transforming sound by computer, also called Sonic Morphing . I hope you will enjoy the Song! OEROE

nonoman123 - 11 years ago

this is freestlye