Im so sorry ive been absent, but im back. I do realize my 3 songs "Peace" "ballad of shady what not", and "Nightmare have been some of my best, and i will try and continue the streak next week with another "hit. but for now, check out the remix i did of a song that i made with my pal retexid a while back
Can you please check out my new song I Told You So, you'll really like it!!! If you wanna check it out, here's the link, please check it out,
HEADS UP!!!! I am not going to be on music shake during the dates from April 9, 2014 - May 7, 2014. So (sadly) please no posting my profile till after May 7. THANK YOU TONS!
I began this song by remixing a song by fellow shaker MariahMoor, but when I finished the remix, it was unpossible to upload the song, because the plug in kept crashing everytime I tried , for about 20 times! So I desided to start all over again, now in the P.C.App, so I duplicated the original MariahMoor song, and I added the rest of the instruments, and this is the result of that shaking adventure! Enjoy!
ANALYZE THIS T(W)O this is the second song, ready to be analyzed! ( if you feel the need to do so...) Enjoy! OEROE
LO! A new song Hath been added to thine album! Shall Thou art listen? (lol, sorry about the strange Thor talk..) Forgotten City:
ANALIZE THIS ! this is a song to be analyzed.....hope you will understand it! and if can always like it...or not? but I know you will <#@@#>
Im so sorry ive been absent, but im back. I do realize my 3 songs "Peace" "ballad of shady what not", and "Nightmare have been some of my best, and i will try and continue the streak next week with another "hit. but for now, check out the remix i did of a song that i made with my pal retexid a while back
Can you please check out my new song I Told You So, you'll really like it!!! If you wanna check it out, here's the link, please check it out,
I am not going to be on music shake during the dates from April 9, 2014 - May 7, 2014. So (sadly) please no posting my profile till after May 7. THANK YOU TONS!
Live on, and be yourself.
I began this song by remixing a song by fellow shaker MariahMoor, but when I finished the remix, it was unpossible to upload the song, because the plug in kept crashing everytime I tried , for about 20 times! So I desided to start all over again, now in the P.C.App, so I duplicated the original MariahMoor song, and I added the rest of the instruments, and this is the result of that shaking adventure! Enjoy!
ANALYZE THIS T(W)O this is the second song, ready to be analyzed! ( if you feel the need to do so...) Enjoy! OEROE
LO! A new song Hath been added to thine album! Shall Thou art listen? (lol, sorry about the strange Thor talk..)
Forgotten City:
Please vote !!! :D
Plz check out what I believe is my best Techno songs ever!!!
ANALIZE THIS ! this is a song to be analyzed.....hope you will understand it! and if can always like it...or not? but I know you will <#@@#>