
Classical/New Age, Electronic/Techno, Hiphop, Other, Rock/Metal, Soul/Funk/Groove
Just too many to list. I'll just say that MUSIC is my favorite artist.
A little about me, hmmm, weeeell:
I love photography, to read and write, soccer(football, futball), 3 day weekends, laying around with my cats and of course making music. I'm so happy that I stumbled upon musicshake, it's almost like a divine gift to me. It's so easy to use but at the same time encompass's so much, it's just freaking awesome. I also can't wait to get going on this site and meet all you cool people and of course, all the great music you guys make. Collectively, I think we're awesome. :) Please let me know what you think of my songs, the good and the bad, it would be greatly appreciated. Now, time to start cranking out some tunes.
Check my new and sadest son ever about paul walker so its ok you cry
New Fairy Tales! <#@@#> OEROE!
DarkneSS ReturnS ! (nothing to worry about....LOL ) <#@@#> OEROE!
DYSLexioNAL DISturBANCE created by oeroe2911 (Use Headphones with the volume on LOUD! )
"advice given by a Brain Effect Specialist" LOL! <@@> ??
I was Just Playing with the Synthesizers.....and Suddenly they Accelerated...!! LOL
wear a Helmet........>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> >> > oeroe
Far From Home...and fearfully Lost.....
Would You Like That...?
OerOe's Ritual Dance...Thanx & Enjoy....TECHNO RITUAL...
Enjoy the Synchronicity of different Rythm's in a Techno Environment