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starlightXL - 13 years ago


ivankulya - 13 years ago

Pretty cool song
listen to mine thanks

tweetbird99 - 16 years ago

Love the song. Perfect beat and singer! Also look at mine!

AznBoyAro - 17 years ago

Your music in the beginning made me make a slow song =)

What a influence =)

Gj In Winning =)

MoofinsMusic - 18 years ago


MoofinsMusic - 18 years ago

Myteriously amazing!!! :o

Answers to questions...
1. No I don't know you
2. Yes I am a girl
3. Yes I play audition...

joonheek - 18 years ago

mommie gratz <333 *hug hug aii love u :3

Vytaan - 18 years ago

Lol, I still laugh at Grievers comments, about how he 'outcheated' others and still didn't win a prize. Shows that fair play makes you a winner after all =)

Congrats on your prize PerfectAngel, you deserve it ^^

Phucie - 18 years ago

I actually agree iwth Griever, none of the finalists even deserve to be in it.... all the songs really suck, and music shaker takes 0 skill to do... its all presets and whatnot... your customization is very limitted, even if it does not seem so to you, the people who don't even make music in general. Who would be proud of putting a song together from pure preset sounds? Get over yourselves lol.... music shake is just for fun, not to take serious.

SkippNinja12 - 18 years ago

congratz ^^ (y)

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