the Flame of Amoraea : this beautiful Song is about the Flame of Amoraea, At the heart of this Kristos Seed Atom radiates the pure love of God or Source, which takes the form of a standing wave of energy called the Flame of Amoraea, the Eternal Flame of Divine Love. Maybe a little different "OEROE-Song, but I hope you will enjoy it !! Cheers, OEROE.
Hello shakers. this is my final song on Musicshake before i leave. I'LL TELL YOU WHAT!!!! if you listen to this, i will guranteed to do it to one of your songs before i leave. DEAL? i hope so. remember to comment or fav to let me know that you took time to click the link, THANKS~JAKIO
to all my fellow Musicshakers, i am here to present to you a nice little ballad that'll make you stop and think, my friends, about life. i do hope you all decide to listen, it's worth your while.
the Flame of Amoraea : this beautiful Song is about the Flame of Amoraea,
At the heart of this Kristos Seed Atom radiates the pure love of God or Source, which takes the form of a standing wave of energy called the Flame of Amoraea, the Eternal Flame of Divine Love.
Maybe a little different "OEROE-Song, but I hope you will enjoy it !!
Cheers, OEROE.
HI My name is.Monica ,
nice to meet you please
contact me here i have something to Share
with you or you can give me your
mail to contact you please
Step 1: Hover mouse over blue link
Step 2: listen to Song
Step 3: Enjoy!
its my album teaser :) thank you for your time
shy sound
Voltage 3 of 3.
Hello shakers. this is my final song on Musicshake before i leave.
I'LL TELL YOU WHAT!!!! if you listen to this, i will guranteed to do it to one of your songs before i leave. DEAL? i hope so.
remember to comment or fav to let me know that you took time to click the link,
This is a song very slow, other than that I usually do.
My new music!
Hello, feeling sad? please check this out! Maybe it can lighten up your mood :D
to all my fellow Musicshakers, i am here to present to you a nice little ballad that'll make you stop and think, my friends, about life. i do hope you all decide to listen, it's worth your while.