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ataurus - 7 years ago

Hello Annnnna666,
I hope you enjoy the newly posted "Sweet Emotion".
Thank you.

ataurus - 7 years ago

Hello Annnnna666,
"It's·For·Real" has been posted at:
hope you enjoy if you have time to take a listen. Thank you.

ataurus - 7 years ago

Hello Annnnna666,
I'm going against saying earlier that I 'stopped promoting'. This one, I think, is another acception. Many hours spent not to mention countless 'test' unloads trying to get the sound 'right'. Just didn't want to leave you out. I hope you enjoy. Thank you.
'Get The Party Started' has been posted at

ataurus - 7 years ago

Hello Annnnna666,
I stopped promoting my songs 6-7 or more songs back, and I'm not seeking any particular response for this one either. I just had a feeling that you might enjoy

it because I think it tunrned out to be balanced and well rounded. Take listen if you have time. Thank you.
'Miri Wants To Dance' has been posted at

ataurus - 7 years ago

Hello Annnnna666,
Thank you for taking a listen and for your generous response. Happy MShaking!

DJTOM - 8 years ago
please listen we really need YOUR help
#roadtonumberone Symphony Remix can jeffarama top the chats once and for all?

ataurus - 8 years ago

Hello Annnnna666,
'My Name is Miri' has been posted
hope you find it quite entertaining.Thank you.

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