Hello Annnnna666, "It's·For·Real" has been posted at: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/310434 hope you enjoy if you have time to take a listen. Thank you.
Hello Annnnna666, I'm going against saying earlier that I 'stopped promoting'. This one, I think, is another acception. Many hours spent not to mention countless 'test' unloads trying to get the sound 'right'. Just didn't want to leave you out. I hope you enjoy. Thank you. 'Get The Party Started' has been posted at http://eng.musicshake.com/song/309997
Hello Annnnna666, I stopped promoting my songs 6-7 or more songs back, and I'm not seeking any particular response for this one either. I just had a feeling that you might enjoy
it because I think it tunrned out to be balanced and well rounded. Take listen if you have time. Thank you. 'Miri Wants To Dance' has been posted at http://eng.musicshake.com/song/309895
http://eng.musicshake.com/song/307643 please listen we really need YOUR help #roadtonumberone Symphony Remix can jeffarama top the chats once and for all?
Hello Annnnna666,
I hope you enjoy the newly posted "Sweet Emotion".
Thank you.
Hello Annnnna666,
"It's·For·Real" has been posted at:
hope you enjoy if you have time to take a listen. Thank you.
Hello Annnnna666,
I'm going against saying earlier that I 'stopped promoting'. This one, I think, is another acception. Many hours spent not to mention countless 'test' unloads trying to get the sound 'right'. Just didn't want to leave you out. I hope you enjoy. Thank you.
'Get The Party Started' has been posted at
Hello Annnnna666,
I stopped promoting my songs 6-7 or more songs back, and I'm not seeking any particular response for this one either. I just had a feeling that you might enjoy
it because I think it tunrned out to be balanced and well rounded. Take listen if you have time. Thank you.
'Miri Wants To Dance' has been posted at
Hello Annnnna666,
Thank you for taking a listen and for your generous response. Happy MShaking!
please listen we really need YOUR help
#roadtonumberone Symphony Remix can jeffarama top the chats once and for all?
Hello Annnnna666,
'My Name is Miri' has been posted
hope you find it quite entertaining.Thank you.