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The Beatles, Arctic Monkeys, The Black Keys, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix...

About me

The AmelAdis is shared account among two friends who like making music for fun.

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oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

There is NO one there.... You know the wake up, in the middle of the night, think you heard a strange sound....and there was something moving, in the corner of your Eye !! But there was NO one there...or was it.....

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

Opening Pandora's Box: this is a " Gangsta Rap" CroSSover, with Rock influences !
Maybe you will think..HipHop...and Rockmusic ... OEROE must be going insane ! HaHa !! But wait until you open "Pandora's Box" and after opening "IT" you might "THINK AGAIN" .....!! L.O.L. the Song is a Remix of "PANDORA" the first song created by fellowshaker CallieHunter !! ShoutOut 2 Callie!!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

InterStellar Speedway. this is an amazing techno song, about a Speedway which starts on planet Earth, and it will lead you all the way into Deep Space! So get in the InterStellar Turbo SpaceCar, and I will take you there! Enjoy the Ride! OEROE!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

GREYS ATTACK 2 ( the Allies Return) this is the second, and the best part of the War with the Alien Greys !! our Allies Return, and 2 gether we BEAT those Nasty Greys! Enjoy the Battle between Good and Bad in outer Space !! OEROE!
Play eXtraterrestial LouD !!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

the FiNAL ENDGAME this Symphonic Rock Song is part 2 of the Song "Wind and Wuthering" it's Mega Epic. so be careful with the Replay! Cheers, OEROE!

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

Let's Play Hard Ball !! this is a Techno/Rock/HiPHoP CroSSover Song ! it's a remix of one of my most early songs on musicshake, almost 3 years ago. the original song was called "Don't Try Me"

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

S0NiC M0RPHiNG this techno song is about transforming sound by computer, also called Sonic Morphing . I hope you will enjoy the Song! OEROE

oeroe2911 - 11 years ago

Tales of Mystery and Imationation, this song is a remix of the original song `Indigo Float` created by fellowshaker jamestaylor. I transformed the original Jazzsong a little bit into a more techno like song, with some magical influences! I hope you will like it, and a BIG Shout Out to jamestaylor, who is a very talented shaker! Cheers, OEROE.

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