HipHop Remix Challenge created by shadowknight 13 years ago

Plays: 123 Favorites: 11
Genre: Hiphop Mood: Etc Theme: Other

i am having a remix challenge for all my fans. i have a song up called HipHop Remix Challenge, this will be my first song up that i'm allowing for a remix. on this song, i will give you the instruments and chords. when you finish, post it back to me and i want to see how you guys done. rapping to it is optional if you guys are up for it :) good luck. also when you send me the song, tell me it's the remix on the post. the chord is 8 if you are curious and want to use it, but you can change the beat and make it unique if you want. i don't want to give away what tone it is for the instruments because i want your music to be from you :) if you do successful in the contest, you will be featured in my next album "throwing elements". there will only be 6 slots total. if you don't have time, you can still make a remix but the prize deadline will be on 11/1/12. the winners will be announced on 11/3/12. the winners will get the element ice, water, fire, earth, lightning, or wind. if not enough people have joined the contest by the deadline, i will let the contesters decide on which element they want. the remaining songs will be dedicated to random fans that i have not yet recognized as an individual. good luck and have fun. if you were invited by someone else, you won't be counted unless you post your remix on my wall and have it labeled as a remix. if you have any questions, post it on my wall and i will get back to you asap

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thekoolgirl - 13 years ago

I love this. :D

CaptainFlint - 13 years ago

Amazing song! 10/10 !!!

Chart listings
Sep 03 2012
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