Captain created by CaptainFlint 13 years ago

My live performance in home-studio. Just a preview...My voice got rusty...long time no singing...but you'll get the idea...tell mi what you think about... The lyric I use in this song belong to Andrey Makarevitch, lider of Russian rock group "Mashina Vremeny" ( Time Machine ) in song "Song About The Captain" in early 70th. Music I have created on GarageBand software. Music is mine, not what that group used in that song. I thinking about to translate this song to English, but it's not that easy, that the full lyric in Russian for now :D********************************************************************* Случилось так, что небо было сине и бездонно,
И легкий ветер по морю, гнал мелкую волну,
И был корабль полон, и друзьями, и знакомыми,
И путь держал в далекую страну.
И капитан был опытный. Он все моря проплавал,
Он силы был недюжинной - дубы валил плечом.
И нам казалось: много нас. Мы сильные, мы храбрые,
И никакие бури нипочем...
Но что для моря наш корабль - скорлупка несерьезная.
И вот однажды вечером попали мы в туман.
Средь неба грянул гром, собрались тучи грозные,
Пронесся средней силы ураган...
И вот, что удивительно. Все сильные и храбрые,
И все, кому мы верили, воскликнули: "Тону!"
Мы ждали от них помощи, они же нас оставили,
И первыми отправились ко дну...
А нас носило по морю, надежды наши таяли.
И только по случайности, нас приняла земля.
И те из нас, кто выжили. По разным обстоятельствам,
Забыли капитана корабля..*****************************************Translation by Google, it's really rude translation, If someone can help me with this translation, I can sing this song in English ;D************************** It happened once upon a time that the sky was blue and bottomless, And a light wind on the sea, drove the small waves. And the ship was full of friends and acquaintances. And the ship held a trip in a distant country... And the captain was experienced. He sailed all the seas, He had uncommon strength - he can tumble down the oak tree by his shoulder. And we thought: It's a lot of us, we are strong, we are brave, And no storms can't scare us ... But what is our ship for the sea? - cockleboat frivolous. And then one night we were in a fog, there was a the thunder in the sky, the clouds gather ominous, Medium-strength hurricane swept ... And that is amazing. All strong and brave, And all who were trusted, exclaimed: "drowning" We expected for help from them, but they left us, and they first went to the bottom ... And the sea wore us, Our hopes dwindling. And finally we find the land , It was only by chance, . And those of us who survived, for various reasons, has forgotten ship's captain
Love it! :)
Интересно, как ты добавил вокал?
подклучаю выход на наушники с Мака на линейный вход на Windows комп проводом который имеет две клемы как на наушники с обоих сторон, и записываю на комп, на МС. Правда теряется качество, можно загрузить на флешку и збросить на комп, будет лучше качество.
Так получается, ты делаешь в гаражбэнде, а потом грузишь на MusicShake? А как у тебя это получается?
Да, Я использовал эту версию, но только чтобы загрузить всю песню, которую Я зделал на Мак на программе "ГаражБанд". Но можно и делать обычным путем, Записать песню на МС и петь на специальном траке для записи.
через оффлайн-версию?
hello captain, nice song
Thank you , friend! Glad you like it!
hello captainflint , yes this is the stuff i am interesting in :D. thanks for the hint in my profile :) good to know your new account.
this 2 minutes are very enjoyable to listen. this sounds like a russian blues/country-song, also because of the choosen chords. very well done :)
i cannot sing, but i also like to play e-guitar and maybe i will upload a little bit stuff in the future too, but not to explicit long stuff, because i would give then copyrights to musicshake :
Hi, friend! I glad you like my experiment! And yes, let me know if you'll upload some of your guitar stuff! I would be real interested!
You have a beautiful voice! Great song! :)
Thank you, Lunabrisa :D It's just good mic and good software! My voice without it sounds just plane and regular :DDD
this is awesome CaptainFlint... I wanted to hear it more :D. what language was that?
Hi, Cutie! Are you back? Thank you, I glad you like it! It's Russian.
increible mezcla
Es un elogio o una crítica? Gracias por su atención!
So epicly cool! :D
Thank you very much!
Sei mitico... sono tornato ad ascoltare questa tua musica e come le altre meritano di essere apprezzate di piu' spero che tutti noi con i commenti possano gratificarti per dare sempre di piu'....bravissimo...maurizio un creativo !!!
Grazie così tanto, PIXIO! Che si sta parlando del famoso cantante italiano Maurizio Arcieri? Sì, qualcosa di simile alla sua canzone, e in generale da quel tempo le cose in stile. Quindi Luana paragonare la mia canzone a canzone Pupo. Non nasconderò, la musica italiana ebbe una grande influenza sulla formazione del mio gusto musicale! Al momento, ascoltato tutta la Russia italiani!
Thank you, Dragon! Glad you like it!