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Cool rap song :) Very well organized
Thank you*stEAmpowered*Thank you for listening to my old songs. XD
Thank you*Sorena2009* どうもありがとう。感謝をこめて。 *^^)(^^*
Thank you*mntcrisis* どうもありがとう。感謝をこめて。(^^*
John rapping about drag racing--nice. But what really sets this apart are the 1812 Overture-esque explosions.
Thank you *anAutodafe* Thank you *HereComeEvry* Thank you *Celd* Thank you *silverhok77* Thank you *scootch* Thank you *ShushiBeads* どうもありがとう。感謝をこめて。(^^*
Like your latest song.
well done, when, which is seldom do a rap mix, i too like using those guys as vocal. again well done
The guy rapping sounds like a band called Cake, if anyone has heard of them. They're pretty epic.
I swear the first three seconds made me want to listen to the rest. Great rap too. Love this song. :DDD
nice rap/techno song! :D
Cool rap song :) Very well organized
Thank you*stEAmpowered*
Thank you for listening to my old songs. XD
Thank you*Sorena2009*
どうもありがとう。感謝をこめて。 *^^)(^^*
Thank you*mntcrisis*
John rapping about drag racing--nice.
But what really sets this apart are the 1812 Overture-esque explosions.
Thank you *anAutodafe*
Thank you *HereComeEvry*
Thank you *Celd*
Thank you *silverhok77*
Thank you *scootch*
Thank you *ShushiBeads*
Like your latest song.
well done, when, which is seldom do a rap mix, i too like using those guys as vocal. again well done
The guy rapping sounds like a band called Cake, if anyone has heard of them. They're pretty epic.
I swear the first three seconds made me want to listen to the rest. Great rap too. Love this song. :DDD
nice rap/techno song! :D