[Nazi zombies]...I did not know. It was a game that.
I understand EspioSenpai's comment. :)
You liked this song.I am very happy. Thank you . :D :D :D
I couldn't quite place my feelings after hearing this song; that is, until I read EspioSenpai's comment. 'Cause that's exactly it--I wanna go after Nazi zombies!
Great work on this, kana3. I love how, no matter what else might begin to happen, the rhythm never relents. And the juxtaposition of heavy guitars and synthesized zithers is genius!
Looks like someone plays dead rising and dead rising 2
Thank you DJGodlanddog. :D
[Nazi zombies]...I did not know. It was a game that.
I understand EspioSenpai's comment. :)
You liked this song.I am very happy. Thank you . :D :D :D
I couldn't quite place my feelings after hearing this song; that is, until I read EspioSenpai's comment. 'Cause that's exactly it--I wanna go after Nazi zombies!
Great work on this, kana3. I love how, no matter what else might begin to happen, the rhythm never relents. And the juxtaposition of heavy guitars and synthesized zithers is genius!
Because everyone praises it, I am truly glad. :D :D :D
Thank you. Wow! rampage!? zombies!? It's cool . :b
Something like this makes me wanna go on a rampage and kill Nazi zombies~ :3
EVERYTHING FROM BELOW & THEN SOME. U also are very good! almost makes me think u had music lessons.
Thank you. It is glad that you were able to like it. :)
Thank you. I like base sound of such feeling. :)
great choice in bass and drum instruments
all the other instruments fit so well along the way
= )
Thank you. (o_<) +