Looking Into The Past created by AngelofDeath 15 years ago

After the revelations of The Chronicles, Aniata invetsigates further. The Legend of Lietta unfolds before her eyes.
Lietta a simple school teacher discovered writings of the ancients. Within these writings she had discovered a pattern of magic. Weaved correctly it would open a pathway into another realm of existence.
Upon Lietta's discovery the Twin Princes, Prince Agememnon and Zexememnon are summoned. The pathway was opened and the three vanished.
Aniata lay in bed thinking these discoveries over slipping into a deep slumber.In her Dreams Lietta speaks to her and reveals the hidden clues she had left behind.
Fearful yet with a sense of boldness Aniata lays awakened by the dreams, shaking and trembling for to others they may have just been nightmares.
so good! from: gabby
thanks baby i love you too
Yes the entire series i tried to keep some resemblance to go along with the upcoming novel i am writing.thank you for the comments and inspiration
I am working on the novel as we speak. Also might be sending it in as a screenplay thanks for all the great comments i listen to your stuff when i can its awesome you all rock and keep me rocking.
Wow cool drums, the thrumming is cool. Once again silver is right on with the flute! Amazing string work......beautiful....if this were a movie I would no doubt buy the sound track to it
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! You seem to just know to make things fit. Even if it doesnt seem like it would you somehow make it work so wonderfuly. Love you
The flute is a nice quick happy sound, mixed with the dark strings. The bells are cool too. :DDD