The Chronicles created by AngelofDeath 15 years ago

Long after the destruction of the Diamond Sword, deep in the mystical forrest of Allianthera. In the heart of a small village. A class room of students listen avidly to the story of the Twin Princes adventures.
During a reading of this Well Documented peice of Historical Fact The Chronicles, Aniata notices a discrepency in the Copy of the Chronicles.
In this revelation she learns about The Legend of Lietta. After this a series of coincidences occur leading Aniata on a quest not unlike those mentioned within the Chronicles of Allianthera.
With the aid of several friends they seek to unlock the mystery soon to unfold bringing withit a tale of deciet, death, and the battle between good and evil.
Once again the Twin Princes enter another adventure to the pages of The Chronicles.
Thank i enjoy creating them its inspiring for my writing
Intersting story like always and it nice you kina continued the old story. The song is really well themed to discovering something and then continuing on. Like always I love these songs!