Truth Set Free created by AngelofDeath 15 years ago

Plays: 51 Favorites: 1
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Etc Theme: Animation

Prince Agememnon discovers the truth about his need to know the power of death. He begins ceremonies to bring his family back from the dead. Where he is visitied by the spirits of his long lost family and is forewarned of the dangers of bringing them back.

With this new insight he makes up his mind on what he must do, set on a new course he turns his men against the Dark Lord as well, with the sole intention on gaining possession of the Diamond Sword.

story written by;
DragonzTribe Inc.
All Written words in description are protected by federal copyright laws.

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Alexlaxton - 15 years ago

Amazing how these movie themed compostions are so captivating. Love the theme and what you wrote.Keep it up.....try changing some bars up once in awhile! =D

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Aug 20 2018
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