Trust Me or Die created by Nathaniel484 15 years ago

Plays: 39 Favorites: 0
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Dark/Heavy Theme: Other

My second song. No description otherwise.

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Nathaniel484 - 15 years ago

Thanks Scootch. That will help a lot when posting songs into the future =D

silverhok77 - 15 years ago

Awesome... and what scootch said :D

scootch - 15 years ago

now thats one great in your face intro. but a tip. be aware of the vol. u not only have a master vol. but each track has a vol. setting as well. YOU CAN test how a finished song will sound on the charts by not poting it strait after transfer. instead, close the posting pg. that pops up & log into MS. Go to Mymusicshake next to where u log in, click on it and a pg. will pop up with all the songs that you have ALREADY poted. at top to the right you will c where it says [Post a song] choose it & another pg. pops up with ALL of your songs including the one u just sent. a square with a play button will appear by each song. click on it & u now will hear how it will sound on the charts & if u r not satisfied with what u hear then click on where it says edit next to your song & ur player will pop up. now u can do ur adjusting to song.