Everyone Is Against Me created by Daymare 15 years ago

Plays: 129 Favorites: 5
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Other

Here it is! The first single fomr my upcomng rock album, entitled "Between Dimensions"! So, "Conspiracy" by Paramore was on my mind when I made this song, so the title reflects the idea that someone (or a group of people) aren't fans of you. As soon as I made the song, I knew it was going to be a single.

Catch "Between Dimensions" on September 14!

Enjoy "Everyone Is Against Me"! :D

All Most Listened: #3
All Most Discussed: #5
All Most Favortied: #4
All Most Rated: #3
Rock/Metal Most Listened: #1
Rock/Metal Most Discussed: #1
Rock/Metal Most Favorited: #1
Rock/Metal Most Rated: #1

As always, thanks for the fun up there ^^! :D

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vietpride - 18 years ago

what is this some linkin park dawg? bring it back in he days homie wen we first heard this izzy.

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