The ultimatum power of life created by toTheSky 16 years ago
Plays: 148
Favorites: 4
Genre: Rock/Metal
Mood: Happy/Excited
Theme: Game
Me and my cousin made this song maybe you all like it.
deliver to DJ darcy 4 her 100th song.hope u like it:)
Other songs by toTheSky see all
title fits nicely with this combination of instruments. Nice layer with the strings in the back. the saxophone really adds the flair when it comes in. Good rock song!!!! :)
I didn't deny it, but thank you very much.
your welcome.i told u.It's 4 you:)
8D Thank you sosososososososooooo much! I love it! Wicked cool :D
Very nice beat and melody, you and your cousin did an awesome job with this song.I like the jazzy feeling from the saxophone and how the melody changes tone with the Spiccato String , great job guys!
THANX<br />
Great job.
Keep up the awesome music friend.
Thumb up!!!
thank u sage.WOW! your two new songs was awesome.better than ever!i was really crying for new begining.really nice and cool:)
Nice Job, you're getting better.