Til you walkin in their shoes created by AngelofDeath 16 years ago

Plays: 91 Favorites: 1
Genre: Hiphop Mood: Etc Theme: Animation

Though Prince Agememnon believes his whole family dead, he refrains from attacking this new foe. He refuses contact and pursues the Dark Lord in a rage.

Prince Zexememnon knows this is his brother and continues his attack yet holds off and pursues his twin brother.

Prince Zexememnon feels a change of heart in his brother and cannot judge his true nature.

(kinda hip hop beat to it heheh)

story written by;
DragonzTribe Inc.
All Written words in description are protected by federal copyright laws.

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AngelofDeath - 15 years ago

Me and my bro do have a cool set up i play drums, guitar, bas, and a lil sax. I have yet to apply my voice to these songs you all better keep an eye open i can bellow the tunes for sure. Once i get over my stage fright *giggles

scootch - 15 years ago

VERY GOOD. YOU ARE GOOD & YOUR CHOICES OD GUITARS WITH SOME GOOD RIFFS ARE GREAT.. I have a fealing you not only mix but also play the real macoy, Fender or mabe a Gibson. awesome!!!!

MrsAngel - 15 years ago

awesome songs

Alexlaxton - 15 years ago

Well you did embrace the hip hop beat! It is way different from your other songs! Good combination and mix!

silverhok77 - 15 years ago

The bells are great, and the guitars are really cool. I like the sound of this. Very interesting. :DDD

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Jun 01 2015
Nov 08 2010
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