Til you walkin in their shoes created by AngelofDeath 16 years ago

Plays: 91
Favorites: 1
Genre: Hiphop
Mood: Etc
Theme: Animation
Though Prince Agememnon believes his whole family dead, he refrains from attacking this new foe. He refuses contact and pursues the Dark Lord in a rage.
Prince Zexememnon knows this is his brother and continues his attack yet holds off and pursues his twin brother.
Prince Zexememnon feels a change of heart in his brother and cannot judge his true nature.
(kinda hip hop beat to it heheh)
story written by;
DragonzTribe Inc.
All Written words in description are protected by federal copyright laws.
Other songs by AngelofDeath see all
Me and my bro do have a cool set up i play drums, guitar, bas, and a lil sax. I have yet to apply my voice to these songs you all better keep an eye open i can bellow the tunes for sure. Once i get over my stage fright *giggles
VERY GOOD. YOU ARE GOOD & YOUR CHOICES OD GUITARS WITH SOME GOOD RIFFS ARE GREAT.. I have a fealing you not only mix but also play the real macoy, Fender or mabe a Gibson. awesome!!!!
awesome songs
Well you did embrace the hip hop beat! It is way different from your other songs! Good combination and mix!
The bells are great, and the guitars are really cool. I like the sound of this. Very interesting. :DDD