B.o.t.S. #1 created by CVines08 17 years ago
Here it is, our Battle of the Schools entry. We have named ourselves the "PCLA Lions". So as to "set the theme".
Picture this, in the first half, the triumphant lions are heading out once again to claim a meal to support the pride. The lionsdepart on a longproud walk to their prey.
Then, they spot a heard of Zebra, time to move in.
(The rock drums begin their climb into the song)
.....The lions pounce onto their prey! Complete surprise is achieved! The lions once again return to the pride with a glorious and well deserved meal for all! Hooray!!...err-hmm...sorry, I got carried away. Lol!
Wehope you enjoy the song! Good luck to MrLoic and his team!We can't waitto hear their song!We're sure this will be a tough competition!
**Disclaimer- To whom it may concern- No offense to or derogation towards any lioness in her responsibilities as a hunter. (side bar- lion is equivilent to lioness in this article) =)
Nice song! I think I just Might Favorite it. *click* My Rating 9/10
Yeah...awesome song! I think this is one of the very few songs here at Music shake where the bell parts actually fit really well, the transitions and layering are neatly done. Look forward to hearing more new ones from you:)
Whoah, bro, that was awesome! Really loved the sound of this one. The way you developed the song was just amazing. Loved the main synth you used. The bells were a really nice touch too. The middle section of the song sounded really good too. I only have 2 minor issues that are really only my opinion anyway. So, ignore em if you want. Lol. 1) The main drum you used, it sounded good and fit nicely. BUT, the volume level and the redundancy of it kind of took away its value in the song. I mean, if the volume was lower or had you switched drum beats more often, it wouldn't have been that way Imo. 2) The song did get a little repetitive. At the end (6:00 or so) it did get better. But, on the other hand, if you were doing this song more as an"Instrumental" that would explain why it was like that. (As in, a song that would normally have lyrics, but they were removed. You know what I mean?) But, repetitiveness is easily fixed. You can add more instruments (12 really isn't very many for a song that is almost 7 minutes long), you can change the tones for the instruments you currently have. Or you can just make the song shorter. All of these will work. Like I said, this is only MY opinion. If you don't agree, its cool. I am just trying to be helpful. I'd give this song a 9/10! Good job!
If you need some examples of "variety" I have a few songs that might give you some ideas. If you get time, listen to my "Excelsior" or any of my recent ones for that matter. I pay special attention to not making my songs sound redundant. If any of them help, great. If they dont, well, sorry I wasted your time. Lol. You are welcome to comment on either the song or my profile page. Neither is required or asked of you though. So, just stop in and give it a listen and leave a comment if you feel like it. No hard feelings if you don't leave one. I hope they help!
Hit me up on my profile page sometime if you can! (just for the heck of it)
Peace out!