OMFG i loved it but then the instrumentals kicked in and u lost me ;A; the beginning was EFFIN AMAZING but u didnt keep the simple and creepy thing going :C i luff the sfx tho ;3;
Wow, awesome track! I love the sound effects you use for your songs. They fit really well. :) *Thumbs Up*
I said this on your other song, but could you please check out mine, Night of Fear? Thanks! :D
thanks for your input guys it means alot. :D
hehe nice song budy...i like the screaming... and the hart beet lol...and the brokein glass...good job!!!
p.s.pls look at my songs and leave tips comments thanks..
>-String Bean-<
OMFG i loved it but then the instrumentals kicked in and u lost me ;A; the beginning was EFFIN AMAZING but u didnt keep the simple and creepy thing going :C i luff the sfx tho ;3;
Nice this is more serious darker than mines.( "Life as a Scientist" )XD the screaming effect are really effective.XD Thumb
Wow, awesome track! I love the sound effects you use for your songs. They fit really well. :) *Thumbs Up*
I said this on your other song, but could you please check out mine, Night of Fear? Thanks! :D
i like it make sure give me a thumbs up..i just did it to urs