Eternal Tears T_T created by nyappy123 17 years ago
Hii~!! this is my song called "Eternal Tears"
i got the title from a visual kei song called "Eternal Silence" by Phantasmagoria which already disbanded last year T_T
so yea..this song has a lot of meaning into it __
first: it kinda goes with the story of an ex-guitarist of An Cafe, "Bou"...
second: it also goes with the band phantasmagoria..
third: the saddest one T_T the death of Hideto Matsumoto AKA Hide, a really famous guitarist and he died on age 33....
So, those are the story that goes with this song..
and thats why the title is "Eternal Tears"
it could've been "Eternal Silence" but it only goes with one of the 3 stories..
well, it might be a little bit boring but i really hope you like it ^__^
and for those of you who knows bou, phantasmagoria, of hide, you might want to think of them while you're hearing it..
you'll eventually cry T________T
so, if you like it please rate and comment it!!
i wanna know what you think and you can also give me some tips to make it better so ican make a better song next time... ^__^
i'll appreciate your comment!!! 33
--Bou the ex-guitarist of An Cafe:
his last live in shibuya
from left to right: Matoi, Jun, Kisaki, Riku, and Iori
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Thanks, V. :)
Very well done. :]