JehovahEra: FacingDown 666 created by Republicana 10 years ago

A further elaboration of passionate elements that have been in songs by myself and other Musicshakers I know, plus one (very talented one) I don't know but from whose songs my friends & I have learned.
JEHOVAH'S ERA: Set in the time of the Tribulation & Armageddon, where Jesus Christ returns and the Devil is put into suspended animation to last for a millennium until he is released again.
"666," the alphanumeric representation in Hebrew for "Nero," applies in Biblical tradition to the Anti-Christ, a powerful enemy of Jesus on Earth, who garners many followers.
As a mostly-lifelong Atheist, I have recently started taking a closer look at various Biblical traditions.
My friends and I are adding Quilla Slhrinthianan's squib on our posts (except Witness, though Meirala added it in Comments...) ~
A series that a group of us decided to do over time on Musicshake... Treating the subject of the End Times, Tribulation, Armageddon, and the promised New System on Earth (and corresponding Kingdom in Heaven ruled by Jesus and the 144,000 Anointed), all directed by Jehovah (in the belief system examined therein) for the Human Race; done in music, to the best of our collective widely varied abilities, and not in precise order as various ones among us treat various topics from that list at different times. This paragraph will be copied and repeated in each song posted by each of us treating of this common theme. Peace out! ~ Quilla and the New Age Musicshakefolk.
Well said! Even if she (Quilla) is a Liberal......
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