Jehovah: ZephNode CONTACT~! created by Glynis 10 years ago

Plays: 17 Favorites: 2
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Happy/Excited Theme: Animation

This is the second in a series done by a group of Musicshake artists living in a community residence soon to be disbanded by our beloved Landlady/Landlord because of financial concerns. I was supposed to use a copied paragraph we agreed upon explaining it, originally posted by Quilla Slhrinthianan, except that, though she copied it, she didn't put it into a file and save it for others at the school where we are to use on this computer as agreed. I can't get at it until AFTER I post this, so I will have to copy it and then post it in the Comments below. Oopsiee. Not um, the...End Of The World??!! But I like this song. It addresses the era in which Jehovah, according to some beliefs, makes contact with humankind during the era Fundamentalist Christians term The Apocalypse. In this song, it focuses not on unhappy things but on the amazement of this contact and proof! Enjoy! ~ Glynis.

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Mar 21 2016
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