SLEEP TIGHT created by oeroe2911 10 years ago

Plays: 325
Favorites: 17
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Light/Bright
Theme: Other
SLEEP TIGHT..a song for when you are feeling tired and lousy, and sick of the whole world around need to sleep tight in that case ! So dream with me , and you will feel better...
~~~~SLEEP TIGHT~~~~~~}}}}}
Remixed from 0eR0eb0Er0e by oeroe2911
Other songs by oeroe2911 see all
Crazy! I like it.
I could listen to this type of music all day :P
u switched 2 rock or somethin, man? lol. love the song.
Haha. ok
HeY BuD! Well I did not switch, because about 30% from the 300 songs are R0CK!
In fact this one is a remix of a song I created 5 months ago!
If you like to hear some other rock songs, just sent me a message, and I will post some on your page! because it is a real time spilling job to search them for yourself! grts OEROE!
This is really great! :D
sory bud for the late reply, but I was a little bussy for the past few days! thanks, grts 0ER0E! a great movie soundtrack,giutar sounds awesome at 1:30,great rock/metal sound,cheers :)
sory bud for the late reply, but I was a little bussy for the past few days! thanks, grts 0ER0E!
This is like the second coming. Very well done O. Great use of instrumentation and effects
sory bud for the late reply, but I was a little bussy for the past few days! thanks, grts 0ER0E!
nice1 my friend.....
sory bud for the late reply, but I was a little bussy for the past few days! thanks, grts 0ER0E!
another great smoking hot track...thishitrocks!!!!!!
I have to say the intro sounded like Power Rangers intro. Another masterpiece Oereo.
are you the pink one....lololol.
L0L! thanks farostar! I always wanted to be a P0WER RANGER...and now I like to be a P0WER SHAKER! grts OEROE!
love it!! :D
interesting how u changed your genre this time, electronic/techno to rock/metal :)
thanks bud! as a matter afect, I started my musicshake adventure with rock, and the techno part came some months later! but it is nice to shift between them! OEROE!