Rising created by IamR 12 years ago

There was a boy, and his family was very poor. His mother and father didn't make hardly enough for one person to eat, let alone him and his sister. As he grew older, he learned to steal to stay alive. He knew nothing other. A bad time came, when both his mother and father lost their jobs, and there was nothing to eat. There was no one on the street to steal from in the dead of winter, when everyone was locked up in their rooms trying to stay warm. His little sister died of hunger that winter. Later, when the spring thaw came, more travelers came through their little town, and many rich folk brought good things with them. The boy made swipe after swipe, but couldn't get anything but a sharp cuff and the harsh retribution "Go back to school!" Finally, at the end of the unsuccessful day, the boy sat on the street, wondering whether or not to go home. A man approached him. He helped him to his feet and dusted him off. "Where are your parents? No child should be treated like this." he said, and the boy felt hurt. "My Mother and Father would never treat me like this!" he protested. "We just don't have money for fancy clothes and food." The man looked closely at him. "Very well. If that is what you say." he said. "Why don't you take me to your house?"
In the end, the boy brought the stranger back with him, and he offered to give both of his parents good paying jobs, and a good, clean home. When the boy was old enough to go, he went to college after taking preliminary courses. He went ahead and became one of the best theologians in the world.
Remember how you treat others.
Good work, what about the mood ?
I like this Freak Wizard my friend! high five, OEROE!
High five,GALIANO!