Sweet Christmas created by KirbyXEmilia 12 years ago

Plays: 14 Favorites: 8
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Warm/Comforting Theme: Christmas

Artist: Louie Madull, Bib Paterson, Papiri Tamaka, Tony Zanek

Louie: Light brown hair
Bib: Brown hair
Papiri: Dark brown hair, rolled in a bun
Tony: Brown hair, male


*Tony in a shocked face*
Tony: Wait! Are you telling me I have to drive to the concert with three little girls!?
Dell: Yes, yes you do.
Tony: But I failed the driving test 150 times and crashed 30 people!
Dell: Hmm...it is laziness I see.
Tony: HEY! I am not lazy!
Dell: Looks like it. Here, try driving one more time and maybe you can be a sucess, just like Zackhary.
Tony: Well...I could try...

*Tony head outside into one of the cars Dell gave him, then the three girls ran out of the building to Tony. They seem to look excited about the Musicshake concert.*
Bib: Come on Tony! I want to go really bad!
Louie: Yeah, it sounds exciting!
*Papiri sounds quiet, unlike the other girls, but she nodded*
Tony: That's where we going, lets go!
*Tony drives and heads to the Musicshake concert. After 5 hours, he noticed a sleigh is knocked down, Tony stopped the car and stares at it.*
Tony: What is that?
Bib: Hey, why did you stop!
*Tony went out of the car and goes to check on then car. The three girls went out of the car too. Papiri holds Tony's arm of fear.*
Papiri: Isn't this too dangerous?
Tony: No...no it isn't
Louie: Brother...i'm scared...
Tony: Chillax Louie! Now, we just need to...HOLY BALLS OF CROTCHES! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT!?
*They noticed a unconscious body looks like Santa Claus, which it is Santa Claus. Next thing they noticed, Santa jumps up, scaring the four.*
Santa: Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!
Tony: Dude, it is December 20th
Santa: Oh well! But I needed help however, my legs are hurting. Can you guys help me?
Bib: Well, we got a Mu-
Tony: Of course we will help, we will do anything we can!
Bib: *Whispers* Let me guess, you do not want to crash when driving, eh?
Tony: *Whispers back* N-No!
Santa: Oh by the way, I got you guys some elf clothes!
All: Yay!
Santa: Except for you, boy!
Tony: Aw man! Well, I am old for wearing costumes anyways...
Santa: Oh no, you will wear my clothes!
All except for Tony: *Laughs*
Santa: We will do it when we are at the north pole.
*As they reached to the north pole when Santa is on the sleigh. The entered Santas workshop and see many small elves, the four were surprised. They see elves building stuff. Bib, Louie and Papiri wear their elf clothes while Tony wears Santa's clothes. The elves put the presents and toys and other stuff on the bag and sees Tony's face, they thought that he is the young version of Santa Claus, but noticed that Tony is just helping Santa.*
Elf: Go put this on the sleigh and make sure you give the right presents to the people, or you will screw it up!
*Tony nodded and headed to the sleigh along with the girls. Reindeers started to run, even Rudolph. They head to town and started giving girfts*

*Music plays*

*During the song plays*
Bib: Hey Tony, look! There is our friends who is part of the community we are in!
*All of them waved at the 64 people, they saw them and was surprised*
Carlos: Hey, that's not fair, how come you guys get to go on the-
*Tony throws the present at Carlos*
Tony: Merry Christmas
Papiri: Heh, they look jealous. Few down...
Louie: Few more to go!

*When song ends*
Tony: Phew. Now we can go to the Musicshake concert!
*They head back to the place where they stopped, but they noticed that the car Dell gave to Tony was crashed.*
Tony: OH NO! Now we can't get back to the car!
Bib: And we only have 6 minutes left or we will be late for the concert!
Louie: But we must returned the sleigh to Santa, but how?
Papiri: Look over there!
*They noticed someone walking, it is Santa Claus. They hugged him.*
Santa: Ho, ho, ho! Don't worry guys, I will get you there!
All: Yay!
*Santa ride them to the Musicshake concert. He dropped them off and the four thanked Santa and his reindeers and gave him a big hug. Papiri pet the reindeers and gave them a hug.*
Santa: Now you guys make sure I have milk and cookies for me in Christmas eve.
Louie: Okay we will!
Tony: Oh and here is your Santa costume, I appreciate for the help
Santa: Tony, my friend. You can keep it, I am already wearing one! Girls, you can keep your costumes!
All: Thanks Santa!
*They all laughed and waved goodbye to Santa Claus. After he left. They noticed they are going to be trained by a Musicshaker and head into the concert and started training, they all seem to have a good time.*

-End of story-

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trixter164 - 14 years ago


justinpien19 - 14 years ago

thx mate :D

CreoleGold - 14 years ago

I love it! ;)
Nice beat. Great Job. b(O.^)

justinpien19 - 14 years ago

thx :D

erinshaza - 14 years ago

anyone want to get fans more? be mine and i will be your...

justinpien19 - 14 years ago

aight sure :D

AnnRecords - 14 years ago

Great song. plz check out mine too.


justinpien19 - 14 years ago

aight :D

DancingBear - 14 years ago

Good song,realiy enjoyable!!!

justinpien19 - 14 years ago

thx! glad u like it :D

spermanator - 14 years ago

I come on just to enjoy songs...i find your song really amazing! Keep it up!

justinpien19 - 14 years ago


justinpien19 - 14 years ago


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