Soft Christmas created by KirbyXEmilia 12 years ago
Make sure you read the description, because there is a part where you are going to play the song. This goes for all of my Christmas songs!
Artist: Candy, Mackenzie, Jacky, Twinkle
Candy: Purple hair
Mackenzie: Orange hair
Jacky: Black hair
Twinkle: Dirty blonde hair
Musicshake concert is coming up, all of the 68 people are getting prepared by their 11 contributors: Dell, Ginger, and Bon, Tiara, Bruno, Orbit, Nate, Hilary, Kristella, Cody and Emma. The contributors are picking up one of the 68 people they chose, except the four, which had the oldest character of the 68, Mackenzie Harp.
Dell: Mackenzie, you go with Candy, Jacky, and Twinkle
Mackenzie saluted him and head to the three and all of those four head to the car. Mackenzie started the engine and started driving. After a while when she drives, a fog appears.
Mackenzie: Oh no! Now I can't see!
Candy: What should we do!?
Jacky: Maybe lets calm and wait...
Twinkle: Sounds like a good idea, but if we do that, we would get hungry and get to a panic!
Mackenzie: Jacky has a point, but I am getting out of the car.
Jacky: Wait! Where are you going!?
Mackenzie: Near to the car. I am not going anywhere without you guys.
Mackenzie went out of the car, finding an area where she can find a way to get out of this foggy area. She then notices a Musicshaker who kept its identity a secret, Mackenzie flinched a little when she sees it, but came and talked.
Mackenzie: Um...sir, can you help us get out of this area.
Musicshaker: ...
Mackenzie is puzzled, but the Musicshaker wrote a note to her, it says "Follow me without driving your car". Mackenzie sent out the three and they all followed the unknown Musicshaker in the foggy, snowy cold road.
*Music plays*
As they walked and walked, they were hungry a little, but kept following the Musicshaker. Bells are playing, but they don't see it anywhere. Still, they kept walking for hours.
* Music ends*
Candy: I see the Musicshake concert!
Twinkle: Me too!
Musicshaker: Hold on!
The Musicshaker finally said something.
Musicshaker: Mackenzie, Jacky, Candy and Twinkle. I will be making you guys a song and you will be performing on the concert just like the others, but to do that, I will reveal myself and I will be helping you guys until the concert starts.
Seems like none of the 68 people and the 11 contributors are here but them. As the Musicshaker reveals itself, they were all surprised.
Jacky: Woah! It can't be...!
* End *
Question: How do you think the Musicshaker will be, there are no right or wrong answers. But the persons name repeated more than 5 times will be the one revealed.
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