Beyond Our Time created by ProjectX 12 years ago

Plays: 84 Favorites: 13
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Longing/Anticipating Theme: Other

Hello everyone and welcome to my fourth synth-based song that i have created!! This song, unlike the other 3, starts out slow, then speeds up and then slows down again.

What is TIME!? We see time as being, "The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future" or in other terms, "something that just keeps our lives moving". According to QUANTUM THEORY/MECHANICS, there is more to time and space then what average humans actually know!!! Not to brag, but for as young as i am, i am learned in Quantum Theory of Time and Space. So if you have any questions about time and space and how it is relevant to Quantum Theory, then PLEASE don't be afraid to ask!!!! I hope that you enjoy this song and leave a like, comment and fav!!!!

(P.S.-For some reason, the final part of my Musical Story would not upload. So i had to delete the one i had and start again. I didn't have enough time to finish it so i decided to make this instead. The FIFth Part will be up this upcoming weekend. I'm really sorry about this, it has never happened before and i don't know why it happened now! I'll get the last part uploaded as soon as possible!) Thank You!!

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Teddy10High - 11 years ago

even my name Ted's thrown out in this, wow

Chart listings
Nov 04 2013
Nov 09 2020
Oct 21 2013
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