I DID IT MY WAY/ ROCK created by scootch2 12 years ago
REMIX from my previous posting. No vocals, temp/beat leaning towards Rock and some change up on a number of instruments. tnks 4 dropping by, hope you like.........Beyond the Stars and on the other side of the known Universe stands a lone figure. At first glance it seems that the entity is asleep, so you make your way towards it. As you near closer a tiny voice becomes audible to your ears and it's voice sounds almost panicky. The best thing you decide is for you to get as far gone from there as possible. BUT just then it hears you and turns. With blood coming from it's eyes or is that tears it screams at you...
Have you seen them? Seen whom you ask! "The Kentucky Moonshine Boys" are you as deaf as you are stupid, he say's, they stole my jug! Then you realize, you are face to face with a LEPRECHAUN. Wait a minute, aren't you suppose to worry about that pot of Gold next to you? GOLD SH-MOLD, that's easy to get but moon-shine/white-lightning, now THAT takes some trickery.
now this was tight!
A real rock and fluid pulled. Outstanding.
The rhythm and flow was pretty good
= )
tnks 4 feed back and great to c u again. how are u doing?
it´s sound amazing 8) I dont have word to describe your job :D really interesting really god
thank you 4 L/C/F.
So I absolutely love this right from the slow intro allowing the song to build up gradually throughout the entire song. It fits all very well and doesn't seem at all rushed. The sounds all work well together.
Great mix
a solid piece work of art!!! amazing ^^ u really sure know to combine things on ur own way.... classical and rock TOGETHER!!! toughest thing I've ever heard... really awesome man!!!
thnx buddy!!!! :)
i thank you kindly friend. best of luck in the battle sound.
Nice Rock my friend Scootch... nice Rock Sound Character. Rock music.. it pour and built by every single of music Characters. And You my friend Scootch... you've got & full of it.. :D
thank you also for such a great comment. glad you like it my friend and fellow shaker.
Freakin'awesome scootch! I'm glad you know how Rock is supposed to sound man! and it's not an easy job , to create a rock song out of an hip hop song! LOL!@ great stuff dude! and the remix that I'm doing of this song is almost finished as well, so than you can add a techno-version to your list! LOL! <@@> OEROE!
thank you for such a supportive comment. i try and at times turns out so so then i get a brain freeze and nothing works. THAT is the reason why I'am now on my 5th. user name. when i freeze i get pist off and close my account. my next move will be more on the soft and easy style music. time for me to cool my jets and just TAXI down the runway. looking forward to your remix. again, thank you my fellow Dutch-men. peace