MADE IN HEAVEN created by oeroe2911 12 years ago

the tittle of this Rock Song says much about the unique sound of this song! Most of the instruments are known to be used in the Heavy Metal Rock Music, but they sound totally different in this Rock Song! But it was "Made in Heaven"....and in Heaven all Music sounds "a little different" !! I dedicate this beautiful song to shaker ' Pisky ' , because she finished on the 3th place in the 'oeroe's transformation contest' ! And like I already have said, I will create a dedication song for all the shakers, who did participate in that contest! Pisky is a huge fan of Rock Music, so that's the reason of my choice to create a "Rock Song"! Pisky thanks again, and I hope you all will Enjoy this song "Made in Heaven" ! OEROE !
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