The Days Of Hard! created by MsRocRoyal11 12 years ago

Plays: 37 Favorites: 2
Genre: R&B Mood: Happy/Excited Theme: Other

The Days Of Hard! its a great Song.Its kinda like a R

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Already111 - 12 years ago

IS this the original?

Already111 - 12 years ago

Yes, you fet alot of people like that, Like Oeroe2910

MsRocRoyal11 - 12 years ago

Yes and my friend ashleybearr stole it and made I sound diffrent a little and it sounds kinda like the same thing and she stole my title instead of the days of hard she put the days are hard wich is the same and if you don't believe me you can check the date I made it and the date she made it plus I didnt put a remix onthis song ats how you know she stole it.

nonoman123 - 12 years ago

this is exciting

MsRocRoyal11 - 12 years ago

OK OK OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ashleybearr - 12 years ago

Hey you better fan before I go crazy on you!!

Chart listings
Jun 17 2013
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